Wednesday, October 15, 2008

::Happy Birthday::

Happy Belated Birthday to both son and father (my eldest nephew-Mohd Zaim Zuhairi bin Mohd Azril) and my brother, their's birthday was on the same day (15th October). May Allah bless both of them..Ameen...


Anonymous said...

ila..sory lah lmbt inform ko ila..huhuhu..skrng ni quite bz skit..ila, mlm khamis ni, family pie nk mr umah org, drng mr nk merisik..hehehehe..tetba plok rs debar..hahaha..tetba plok rasa malu..insya'allah kteorng planning nk kawin awl thn 2010 kot..insya'allah..and the best thng is org akan wt kenduri kt kelate (^_^)..kalu ila ngn sa bleh blk ms tu, mst best kalu xleh nk wt guano kan, ila ngn sa pun duk jauh nun di sane.. :> ok lah, org nk g kls ni..luv u my dear fren..smlm org tgk gmbr kte ms kt umah sewa bangi, tetba plok rs sdh..huhuhu..rndu lah kt ila..i really mean it.. : < -fza-

eilawaniey said...

owh..really???congrate my dear fren..finally..i'll contact u later..i miss u too..

sabiqahT.Anuar said...

emmm fiza tok oyat pon ko ore, huhu fiza oyat ko ila jaaa..hehe

anyway iLa, best wishes 4 both ur bro n nephew..emm same besday as my "Ku"..Ku pon 15 october gaks..huhu

eilawaniey said...

oo, happy belated bufday to KU as beloved ayh angkat..huhu

Anonymous said...

sa..sory sgt2, org bkn x ingt ko ari tu, org mmg xsmpt nk msj sa, smpt bka blog ila jah, sara pun org ryk sblm org nk blk kuantan, ari khms tu..sory sgt2..
: < sa ado cl org ko ari tu?org dh tdo ms sa cl tu, sory sesgt..xdok gapo2 sgt pun ari tu, just family pie mr nk knl ngn family org jah..lps tu, sarung cincin, mkn2 skit..lps tu drng blk..kre nye org ni dh di cop lah..hehehe..sory neh, sa sayang..-fza-

alice in wonderland said...

fiza x bgtau aku pun.. wawawawaaa... sedey..