It has been more than 2 weeks, since I posted the last entry...
Still not in the mood for blogging...
Still not in the mood to update any stories..
Still not in the mood to change my blog's background though (maklumla kan, MERAH gitu) my cousin asked me to, but...well, it needs more time to 'godek2' all the things.. so, kakyue, sorry ye, the time is still not suitable..i'll do it when i'm free..hehhehhe (actually, bukannye bz sgt pon..sengaja mem'bz'kan diri) and next week, i'm starting to 'betul2' bz...have to attend class (dh beberapa minggu dh attend kelas sbenarnye, infact it already started on nov last year - u know many excuses), starting to design a chip in lab, training with a new instrument..starting my job as demonstrator at dept of chemistry in ucc, with the lab reports to mark...aiyaakk..pikir je pon dh rs penat..
Okayla, see u nanti2 ye, nak smbung tgk citer (bought new tv series last friday) la sangat, kan...opss!
Bacalah Al-Quran
5 years ago
ooo...patotpun really very the buzy....da ada new company....that new tv series aaaaa? okeh...tell us about it...what's the series about...must be very interesting..since u lost ur interest in updating ur blog...huhu..
bznye... giler ah mung ni. jgn ar gitu, kang siap setahun je phd mung. tunggu ar ambe. hahaha
kakchah:heheh..citer lama pon..the O.C..murah giler, ada sales, sy beli 3season trus...heheh..tu pon baru separuh drpd harga asal utk satu season...
pn.alice:giler ar mung!xlalu ambe nak wat phd staun, mung nk rambut ambe ceracak jd cam einstein ke?kalo ceracak mcm tu dakpe gok, kalo 'licin' terus lagu mana?
salam kenal and salam ziarah... really nice blog!!! ade mase, singgahla ke teratak Ungu Violet pulak yer..
hohoho ila..the OC? finally- my fav ones....waaaaa beli cmplete seasons i pinjam, hahhaha
cik tuan: best giler citer tuh...i dah beli smpai season 3. nak beli season 4 plak, tp i brape gemar la ending season finale tuh..marissa dh takde..
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