Sunday, January 11, 2009

::Kena tag lagi!::

Baru sedar rupenyer, kite kena tag ngan kak hanis..dah lama tak bukak blog dia..baru perasan..sori eh hanis san..

1) Do you think you’re hot ?
Hot???HOT FM ye la kot...hehehehe...

2) Upload your favorite picture(s) of you!

3) Why do you like that picture(s) ?
First: rasa cam kanak2 ribena..hikhikhik...
Second: sronot, main air kalah kanak2 umur 3taun!
Third: alamak, that's not my picture!tp suke amat gmbr ni..tak kire, nak letak kat cni gak...
4) When was the last time you ate pizza?
Beberapa ari b4 balik M'sia taun lepas (mcm dh lama sgt kan, padahal br sbulan lebey) tesco y satu kotak €75 sen tuh..bukan Pizza Hut ye..
5) The last song you listen to ?
Segenggam Tabah by baik lak dgr nasyid kan (sambil2 lipat kain)..byk lagu In-Team i suke...best2!
6) What are you doing right now besides this ?
Baring ats katil, tunggu waktu nak tdo..cdg nyer lps publish entry ni le...
7) What name would you prefer besides yours ?
Entah, x penah pikir pons!
8) People to tag :
-Cik Tuan
-Penolong Kelas 5Musytari, SMK Kamil 2001
-Felo UMT di UoA
-Anak Pokku Nua
9) Who is number one ?
Peminat setia Song Seung Hun
10) Number three is having a relationship with ?
Opss!soalan bahaya ini...mmg in relationship, dgn siapa tu, tak boleh le nak bgtau kat cni..mati kena cekik i nanti...
11) Say something about number five ?
Nampak keras..tapi sgt emo...tmbah2 kalo tgk citer korea..citer lum start lagi, dia dh kesat air mata...(ops!mintak maap ye cik tuan...memberikan informasi dgn 'sgt jujur' dan telus)
12) How about number four ?
Bercita2 utk jadi madu Victoria fine day katanya...
13)Who is number two ?
The same person with the no 1, 3,4 and 5...

Pesanan ringkas:
Dah tak tau nak tag sape, sebab sume org dah kena tag..nak tag fiza, tp fiza takde blog tag la cik tuan balik, sebab dia y perkenalkan tag kali ni among, tag dia balik cik tuan, u have to answer this, again, 5 times, in different answers, because i tag u as 5 different person...(dont u realize that the statement above has so many word of 'TAG'???)huhu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

siannn mung sa...tu ar sapa suh byk sgt scandals .. madu Posh tuh!:p