About the title above..
I think everybody faced this problem in their life...
So do I…
Especially when I came here..
When somebody ask me:
What is ur name?
It’s hard for me to answer that SILLY SIMPLE question..
Errr, u can call me eila or wani..
Which one? Eila or wani?
Both, which one you like the most..I won’t mind. Both are my name..
And the person will confuse with my answer.
Don’t know what is the best name to call me..
I really don’t mind..It does depend on you...
Everytime someone asked me about my name, I have to open the story, from A-Z.. like this:
Actually my family and my closest friends call me, I-L-A (I used to spell it by EILA)..but when someone who read my full name, automatically they will call me as W-A-N-I, especially my teachers in school, my lecturers in university, bla…bla…and bla…..So, u can call me bla…bla.. and bla…..
And when I came here, my current housemate called me WANI, while I’m still in Malaysia, I had contact with Shaz to ask few things about UCC and so on.. I’d never ask her to cal me WANI, she is the one who call me like that.. As I mentioned earlier, people will call me that name when they saw my first name, so I can’t blame them.
In Tyndall they used to call me EILA because I introduced myself with EILA..but one of my team-mate, Margaret, she twisted my name, instead of I-L-A, she called me by L-I-A.. At first, I thought, I heard her wrong, but till now, she used to call me LIA..LIA pon LIA lah kann..as long as I know that it’s me.. agaknyer memang dia tak reti nak sebut I-L-A kot..hehehe
So, that’s the reason I like to introduce myself as EILAWANIEY...
Its depend on u whether you want to call me EILA or WANIE (LIA as well...hehe)...i just comfy with both…..kalo nak panggil SITI NURHALIZA lagi kite suke, memang akan pandang lah…
That’s for sure =p
Bacalah Al-Quran
5 years ago
acik nak panggey "LAWA" instead of Eila...or Wanie..aper lagi tidak mungkin nak panggey siti norhaliza.. ape kaitan lu...hahaha..
hahahaha lawak, lawak, lawak, heee ct nurhaliza???? naaaaaa
huhuhu ila i pon face same probs here, i used Sabiqah instead of Tuan or whateva, pastu time panggil nama , msti diorg wonder sape laa Tuan nihs, heee bila i ngaku diorg lg knfius- which 1 my first name - n i said "all 3 of 'em -tuan nurul sabiqah" hahaha
adeii nt nk letak nama anak (anakk????) pendek2 jee laaa
i think u better introduce urself with just one name.. for ex "u can call me ila". xla confius diorg beb.. mat salleh xde name pnjg2 mcm kite. hahaha..
lupakanje:boleh2, panggil LAWA pon takpe..sy suke juga..untung2 jadi lawa betul kan kalo sume org sebut..hehhe
ciktuan:aik, dah pikir psl anak ke?????
alice: ngn omputih takde mslh, mmg diorg panggil ila(except Margaret), kalo org mesia kat cni ni haaa..xtau nak jwb cmne..sebab i kat cni mmg ada dua nama..sm la ms kat ukm..prof musa ngn en asan mana kenal ila..
xlarat wehhh
siti nurhalizaa
klu kat Sarawak, "Lawa" tu retinyer, sombong
cik aina: wekk dengki!
lupakanje:kakchah, skrg kite ikut bhs standard y mana LAWA itu merujuk kpd cantik, anggun, elegent ok..hehhe
hahaha....okeh...tetapkan pendirian..
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