Thursday, October 9, 2008

::Induction Program for UCC Postgraduate::

Supposed to attend both days (8th and 9th October), but I just only make it for the second day, since I was in pressure for finishing and correcting the paper..The program was held at Devere Hall, starting 9.15 this morning, and I need to go out a bit earlier than usual, but still unlucky, I missed the bus..change my route, walked along farranlea road, waiting the bus near to vid lodge..actually, i was planning to keep walking to ucc, but considering the 'unfriendly' wheather, I change my mind..

The program was okay, same to any other induction program (quiet boring for me)..when the speaker gave a talk about their topic, within 5minutes, i started to view my own topic..BERANGANNN...very the melampau kan??hahaha..
Oh, forgot to mention, I had popia goreng for!siap ngan kuah lagi tu..a bit surprised, they provide popia for lunch (for vegetarian)..the taste was no different with our popia.. exactly the same!probably their's are more delicious..oppss!

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