Last Saturday and Sunday was the final weekend before we heading up to Eidul Fitri, probably on Tuesday or Wednesday, depend on the moon. My holiday is starting tomorrow, for 2days (Tues and Wed), as I don’t really sure when is the exact date for hari raye..last 2 days, we made biskut raye..those little kid was very2 exciting, making and baking the biscuits..all of them were helping me, kaksal and their mama finished all those tasks-gentel mengentel, terap menerap and bakar membakar..finally, for our hardworking, we got 5 different types of biskut raye, with a full medium tupperware of kerepek, anybody yang ada kat Cork ni, kalo mengidam nak makan biskut raye, pls come and visit us..and do remember to bring duit raye to 3 budak-budak comel itu..sekian..
Bacalah Al-Quran
5 years ago
I luv biskut Arab !!!...ok eila....akak nak btolak balik kg jap gi...kt kg tk dpt la online...unless dpt curik line tipon omak akak ...tu pun klu akaun tmnet 1515 akak tu still available...n klu anak dara akak bgi pinjam laptop dia....hahah..
Selamat Hari Raya for the final wish nih....take care ye...Allahu akhbar ..Allahhuakhbar...Allahhuakhbar...Laaaa Ilaa ha illallahhhh...
Okay..slamat hari raye gak untuk akak..daaa~
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