Name: mak pesan jgn suke2 bgtau nama kat org yang tak kenal..bahaya..
Shoe size: kaki kite panjang, tp kurus..6 pon dh ok..sumtimes 7..
Height: 157 cm je..agak kemetot kan..
Favourite drinks: skrg dh tak minum ais..bukak puase ni minum teh panas je..ngn air masak..bagus kan..
Favourite breakfast: skrg puase..takde breakfast2 le..sahur pon minum air masak je..ngn telan ubat..sebab demam aritu stil tak kebah..lama la plak demam kali nih..
Have you ever..
Been on a plane: byk kali la gak..paling lama masa nk dtg cni le, almost 13h..nak tak nak mmg kena naik plane..tak lalu eh nak naik kapal (ada ke org naik kapal pegi oversea skrg ni? kalo tugas dia mmg kat atas kapal tu len citer)
Swam in the ocean: brenang pon tak pandai kak oi..asyik tenggelam je..huhu..
Fallen asleep at school: always..opps!
Broken someone’s heart: mungkin ya mungkin tidak..
Fell off your chair: lupe dah..ada ke?ntah..
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No no.. =p
Saved e-mails: sumtimes
What is your room like: always in a good condition..i ni cerewet..huhu..tambah2 kalo duk sorg..share len citer..however, my room kat kg sgtla bersepah..
What’s right beside you: novels..
What is the last thing you ate: baru lepas bukak’s my turn today to cook..sayur goreng,telur masak pedas, ayam goreng, daging lada hitam..
Ever had Chicken pox: have to ask my mom
Sore throat: skrg pon masih..
Stitches: nope
Broken nose: alhamdulillah, sempurna lagi..
Do you
Believe in love at first sight: depends
Like picnics: sumtimes..bile kebosanan merajai hati..(ceh ayat novel tuh!)
Who was were the last person You danced with: Frankly speaking, I donno how to dance..kayu semacam..
Last person made you smile: Budak2 tiga org kat bwh td (onnie, is, iqa)..bukan stakat senyum, gelak jahat sume dah..
You last yelled at: ada ke..sumtimes..
Today did you
Talk to someone you like: always cal my mom, every morning b4 going to office
Kissed anyone: takde kot
Get sick: oo, skrg masih lagi demam..tadi balik awal..
Talk to an ex: that person is never exist..mcmana nak cakap..
Miss someone: my mom, my brothers+sisters, my abe, my friends, sume2 kat mesia..
Eat:makan le waktu bukak puase td..
Best feeling in the world
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nope..i don’t like teddy bear..
What’s under your bed: shoes collection..byk..
Who do you really hate:nanti nak kena pikir dulu..
What time is it now: 8.57 pm
Is there a person who is on your mind now: my mom..slalu pikir psl dia..
Do you want children: anak anugerah Allah..
Do you smile often: I love to smile..
Do you like your hand-writing: ramai org kata kemas..but for me, its very bad..
Are your toe nails painted: nope
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: nope..just my own bed..
What color shirt are you wearing now: ijo, lengan klabu..
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: waiting to break the fasting..
Are you a friendly person: Depends
Do you have any pets: I don’t like pets..
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: Malaysia
Do you sleep with the TV on: Nope, jarang tengok tv skrg
Have you ever crawled through a window: Slalu, kalo takde org kat umah ni, naik ikut tingkap le..
Can you handle the truth: Have to..
Are you too forgiving: Depends, but more to yes..
Are you closer to your mother or father: My mom, she’s my everything..
Who was the last person you cried in front of: ym with my sister..huhu..nangis sorg2..dia tak nampak pon..
How many people can you say you’ve really loved: all person closed to me
Do you eat healthy: sumtimes
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: ntah..
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: Yup..bergenang..
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: depends
Are you confident: depends on the situation
3 things on my to-do list today
1. masak utk buke
2. makan ubat on time
3. tgk kekasihku seru..arini kan kamis..
3 snacks I enjoy
1. dah lama xmakan snack..skrg ni minat dh berkurang
2. …
3. …
3 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1.tak penah terpikir pon nanti jadi kaya, so mmg takde la dlm planning ape nak buat kalo ada byk duit…
2. …
3. …
3 of my bad habits
1. waswas..sgt le.mesti xsure betul ke dh buat, ke belum..kalo kuar bilik air, mesti pegi balik sebab xsure lampu dh tutup belum..sbenarnyer dh..sume brg pon mcm tu le..susah2..
2. suke gelak kuat..
3. kuat berangan kot..
3 places I have lived in (ni maksud ni rumah ke negeri ke negara)
1. of course la dlm umah
2. Malaysia
3. skrg kat Cork, stil atas bumi Tuhan
3 jobs I’ve had
1. PKS kat Putrajaya selama 3bulan, kat KPM-biasiswa (kat cni la kenal kak Chah lupakan jer..glamer akak!)
2. Cikgu ganti Bahasa Melayu kat skolah my mom (Sek Men Keb Padang Pak Amat, Pasir Puteh, Kelantan), bulan puase tahun lepas..
3. Felo Akademik Jabatan Sains Kimia UMT
3 people I tag
1. Yang ni kurang gemar ni..i tak suke nyusahkan org..tak kisah le sape2 y suke jwb soklan2 y sgt panjang nih....i kan baik hati..huhu
2. …
3. …
Bacalah Al-Quran
5 years ago
1 comment:
ooooo..mengglemerkan akak kt sini ye....
mung dolu msa kt sini tk dokla nk lepak lepak ngn kita pung..huhu...sibla akak ni jenih muko tk malu..tpi mahap la..akak mang pendiam...huhu..
lap u iela...
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