Thursday, June 19, 2008

::Graduation Day::

Congratulations to all medical students who had their Graduation Day in UCC today. I just knew a few of them because had met them before. The rest, memang tak penah jumpe..arini baru kenal... The weather was unpredictable. Kejap panas kejap hujan.. Seriously, I don’t like it, since I left my jacket in office..sejuk yang amat..huhu

I went to the office earlier this morning, and sent an email to Eric, asked for his permission to attend kak faies’s big day..Luckily, without asking more questions, he gave me the green light..and at 10, I went to the town to buy something for kak faies, a teddy bear. Actually its more to Alia, since I don’t give her anything on her birthday..sori ye Alia.. It was rain and I just keep walking with the teddy bear (just like that without any plastic bag or so on)..uhh, everybody’s looked at me.. I just ignore them..buat muke toye..huhu..

When I arrived in UCC, they (refer to Kak faies and the geng) still in the devere hall. Alia was sleeping outside, donno what to do, just have a chat with kak faies’s sister in law, while waiting for them.. After waiting about half an hour, the ceremony was end, and all of them started to take a picture and the most favourite place is the main quadra angle..i like that place..cun amik gambar kat situ..

Em, arini ramai la jumpa muke2 melayu, jumpe ramai yang pakai tudung sume..most of them were from Malaysia, the parents who came to celebrate their son/daughter’s graduation..seronok rasenyer..omputih tu sume macam kagum je ngn org2 melayu nih..huhu..diaorang tiba2 datang nak amik gambar, walhal tak kenal pun before ni..mungkin nak tambahkan koleksi gambar rakyat asing kot..culture variety in Cork..rasa cam bangga plak dengan diorang2 sume yang konvo arini..time kite konvo dulu takdela rasa bangga macam nih..huhu…maybe sebab kat tempat orang kut..rasa bangga tu lagi lebih, sebab setaraf ngan omputih2 tu sume..

I’m proud to be a Malaysian, I’m proud to be a Malay, and the most important thing at all, I’m proud to be a Muslim..

So, once again..CONGRATULATIONS Docs…


Anonymous said...

wah, baju baru nampak! beli kat kedai mana?
congrate kak faies!

eilawaniey said...

huhu..kat cni la..cantik kan?
i like..

lupekanje said...

nak teddy bear gakkk..huhu...

eilawaniey said...

baik beli kat mesia..benda sama je..kat cni mahal nak mati..huhu...